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Download Film Universal Soldier The Return (1999)
Rating :
: 4.1/10 (23.140 votes)
Released :
Category : action, sci-fi, usa
Trailer : Universal Soldier The Return
Duration : 83 min
Director : Mic Rodgers
Staring : Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bill Goldberg, Heidi Schanz, Michael Jai White
Tag : ,
Synopsys : Universal Soldier The Return - Luc Devereaux, the only surviving member of the original Universal Soldier Team. He now works with Dylan Cotner, on a project to create and improve a new Universal Soldier. Their plan is for the Universal soldier or UNISOLS to be controlled by a computer they call SETH. When the government decides to terminate the project, which includes shutting down SETH. SETH, not wanting this to happen, takes steps to prevent this. He first kills Dylan. He then has himself transfered into a body. He then seeks out Luc Devereaux, who is the only person who knows the code that will stop his program from being deleted. So he sends out all the UNISOLS to get him. Luc must try and stay away until SETH program is deleted. But SETH has targeted his daughter as possible leverage.

